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The department of certification services performs a set of works on the development and implementation of a quality management system and food safety based on the principles of HACCP in accordance with the requirements of ТR CU 021/2011 “On Food Safety”, GOST R 51705.1-01 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on the principles of HACCP. General requirements ", GOST 30390-2013" Catering services.Catering products, sold to the public.. General technical conditions ”, and also helps the Customer’s Enterprise to find additional opportunities for integration with the ISO quality management system (ISO 9001, ISO 22000).

The certification services department performs the following functions:

- Rendering consulting services on the project “Development and implementation of a food quality management system based on the principles of HACCP” to the Customer’s Enterprise.

- Conducting a diagnostic audit, analysis of the documentation and documentation of the Customer’s Enterprise.

- Development of food quality management system documentation based on the HACCP principles for the Customer’s Enterprise. Methodological support in the development of HACCP - plans, flow charts (process diagrams), description of procedures, other documentation.

- Training of top managers of management, operational and functional managers, leading specialists of the Customer’s Enterprise.

- Conducting an internal system audit of the Customer’s Enterprise together with the Customer’s internal auditors.

The basis of HACCP is a systematic approach, covering the parameters of food safety at all stages of the life cycle - from obtaining raw materials to using the product by the end user. We will help the Customer’s Enterprise:

- conduct a risk analysis and describe measures to prevent these risks;

- identify critical control points (CCP) in the production process;

- establish critical limits for preventive actions related to each identified CCP;

- establish monitoring requirements for CCV for monitoring and control;

- establish corrective actions taken in the event of a deviation from the critical limit;

- establish an effective procedure for maintaining registration and accounting documentation;

- establish procedures that describe the performance check of the HACCP system.


Our main tasks:

- maintaining an open and honest relationship with customers;

- a positive attitude and ability to take all necessary measures to meet the needs and expectations of customers and get feedback through close interaction with them.

The staff of the certification services department is provided with information tools and the necessary resources to maintain successful communications and open internal interaction at all levels of management.

Expansion and improvement of the services we provide along with the intensification of marketing activities will allow us to win the love and trust of our Customers and increase the efficiency of our business.

Our contacts:



Moscow, ul.Orangereynaya,d.23



Tula, ul. Nekrasova, 1-a

8(920) 271-09-58,

Application forms:

Sample contract for the provision of services 

Appendix 1 to the contract - Schedule for the development and implementation of a quality management system and food safety based on the principles of HACCP

Appendix 2 - Information about the customer’s enterprise



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