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Chemical-toxicological department OIL (Kursk)

Deputy Head of the Laboratory - Head of the Chemical and Toxicological Department: Leonova Viktoriya Olegovna

Date of birth:  24.10.1967

Education: higher, Kursk Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Chemical technology and equipment for finishing production"

Qualification by education: Chemical engineer

Deputy Head of the Chemical Toxicology Department: Anna Viktorovna Bukina

Date of birth:  21.11.1986

Education: higher, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orel State Agrarian University” in the specialty “Agronomy”

Qualification by education: Agricultural scientist

The department employs qualified specialists who regularly upgrade their skills on topical issues of laboratory activities and successfully participate in interlaboratory comparison tests organized by Russian and international providers.

Main activities:

- research of a wide range of samples by definition organoleptic, physical, physico-chemical, chemical indicators of quality and safety;

- verification of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, state standards, within the framework of state control;

- confirmation of product quality compliance (certification) for export-import operations and movement within the country;

- resolution of arbitration disputes, on applications from legal entities and individuals for the purposes of production control.

The department conducts research of grain, leguminous, oilseeds and essential oil crops, cereals, flour, feed, feed, feed products of processing enterprises (bran, cake, meal), sugar beet roots in the framework of national and international accreditation on the following indicators:

- appearance, color, smell, degree of discoloration, taste, crunch, razvarivaemost;

- contamination, pollution, damage by pests of grain stocks;

- the content of smut fungi spores in all types of grain;

- typical grain composition;

- humidity, mass fraction of dry matter, mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances;

- content of weed and grain (oil, ethereal) impurities and their fractional composition;

- the content of harmful and specially studied impurities;

- content of small grains and size;

- content of metal impurity and metal impurities;

- the quantity and quality of gluten in wheat and flour;

- nature in the grain of wheat, rye, barley and oats;

- content of Fusarium and pink-colored grains;

- vitreous grain;

- germination energy and germination capacity in grain intended for malt production;

- the number of falls in the grain of wheat, rye and flour from them;

- filminess for grain of buckwheat, millet, oats and rice;

- slushiness for oilseeds;

- the mass fraction of the kernel in millet, the content of the kernel in buckwheat, the benign kernel in the cereals;

- size, swelling and kroshimostigranulv granulated feed;

- Mass fraction of protein (in grain and products of its processing), nitrogen and crude protein (in feed, feed, feed feed) titrimetric method (according to Kjeldahl);

- mass fraction of total ash, insoluble ash in hydrochloric acid, in food products of grain origin and products of the feed mill industry;

- acidity of grain, flour, cereals, oatmeal;

- acid number of fat (grain, products of its processing) and acid number of oil (in oilseeds) by the titrimetric method;

- mass fraction of raw fat in the grain, products of its processing, oilseeds, feed, animal feed, animal feed and the like by the extraction method;

- contamination and sugar content of sugar beet roots;

- residual amount of pesticides by the chromatographic method;

- toxic elements (cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury) by atomic absorption spectrometry;

- The specific activity of radionuclides of cesium-137, strontium-90.

For research uses modern domestic and imported equipment:

- installation measuring air and heat ASESH-8-2;

- installation spectrometric MKS-01A "Multirad";

- atomic absorption spectrophotometer AA240 Z with an attachment for generating VGA-77 hydrides;

- hardware-software complex for medical research based on the chromatograph “Hromatek-Kristall-5000”, detectors - EZD, TID;

- polarimeter automatic SAC-i;

- semi-automatic distillation unit with steam UDK 139;

- SER 148 extraction device, etc.

According to the results of the research, the department of chemical-toxicological research produces test reports that are conducted in strict accordance with regulatory documents.

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