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Department of diagnosis of bacterial diseases, mycology and preparation of nutrition media

Head of the department: Larina Olga Nikolaevna

Education: Higher Veterinary,

Graduated: Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 2004,

Qualification: Veterinarian

The main activities of the department:

Diagnosis of bacterial diseases of agricultural and unproductive animals (including birds, fish, bees).

The department carries out diagnostic studies of materials for diseases caused by microorganisms of 2-4 pathogenicity groups, including especially dangerous infections (anthrax, brucellosis, tularemia).

Sanitary and animal hygiene studies:

- bacteriological studies of plant and animal feed, premixes, feed additives, etc.

- bacteriological study of washes from equipment, stock of livestock and processing enterprises on the quality of disinfection;

- other sanitary-zoo-hygienic studies (examination of soil, water, cow milk for mastitis, hatching eggs, etc.).

Bacteriological research of meat of forced slaughter.

Providing practical and methodological assistance, consultations to veterinary and production laboratories, specialists of livestock and processing enterprises, individuals on the diagnosis of bacterial diseases of animals and sanitary-hygienic research.

For research, the department is equipped with all necessary equipment and supplies.

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