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Department of Virology and Molecular Research CHIL

Head of Department: Ekaterina Alexandrovna Fakhretdinova

Education: higher, FGOUVPO "Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine"

Qualification: Veterinarian

Highly qualified personnel of the Department of Virology and Molecular Research provides the performance of high-tech tests to determine: GMO, identification of species-specific DNA (chicken, pork, lamb, beef), the presence of soy, modified corn.

Carries out diagnostics of diseases in the early stages when verifying the diagnosis against the background of treatment, with erased forms of the disease, as well as to check the results of therapy (control of recovery), conducts PCR studies for the presence of various pathogens.

The department employees have at their disposal high-precision equipment - the "TECAN" Sunrise enzyme immunoassay analyzer for the determination of viral diseases: classical swine fever, transmissible gastroenteritis and swine rotavirus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, mycoplasmosis, detection of antibodies to bovine leukemia virus in blood serum and milk, intravital and postmortem diagnostics of plague, carnivorous adenoviruses, parvovirus enteritis of dogs, viral enteritis of minks and panleukopenia of cats, diagnostics of viral and bacterial diseases of poultry, etc.

Business hours Mon-Thu 8.30 – 17.15

Fri 8.30 – 16.00

Phone: (351) 726 16 50

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